Advocate for the Arts


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Receive Action Alerts from TCG in order to take immediate action on issues that affect the theatre field. Action Alert emails include brief descriptions of issues and a link to a sample message that you can personalize. Our VoterVoice-powered system then sends your message directly to your elected officials. It takes less than two minutes to take action and make a difference!

TCG's Commitment to Arts Advocacy

Theatre Communications Group is the primary advocate for the not-for-profit professional theatre in the United States. TCG represents the theatre field both in Washington, DC, and nationally, to provide timely information for theatres and theatre artists on federal legislation, regulations and other significant government opportunities and issues.

Read TCG 501c3, Nonpartisanship, and Bipartisanship Policy.

TCG is a Founding Member of the Performing Arts Alliance

TCG is a member of the Performing Arts Alliance, the Coalition of Performing Arts Advocates.  The Alliance is a coalition of national performing arts service organizations dedicated to advocating for national policies that recognize, enhance, and foster the contributions the performing arts make to America. Other founding members include the Association of Performing Arts Professionals, Dance/USA, the League of American Orchestras, and OPERA America. Members include American Composers Forum, Chorus America, National Alliance for Musical Theatre, National Association of Latino Arts and Culture, New Music America, and Chamber Music America. Together we advocate effectively on issues that specifically affect the performing arts and approach all our efforts through a performing arts lens.

We encourage everyone to visit the Performing Arts Alliance website and to join our advocacy network in order to receive Action Alerts that will inform you as to when and how to make your voice heard!

TCG is Involved in Key Arts Advocacy Issues

Our ongoing commitment to Legislative Issues includes: 

TCG Advocates for the American Theatre by Providing Its Member Theatres

  • Membership in the Performing Arts Alliance and monthly Advocacy Reports, describing recent government developments
  • Electronic arts-related Action Alerts prompting immediate action
  • Policy updates printed in the Advocacy Pages of the TCG website
  • Tools and resources for advocacy including TCG's Grassroots Kit, "Political Advocacy for Your Theatre"
  • In addition, TCG provides:
    —Written testimony
    —Witnesses for hearings
    —Close working relationships with other arts advocacy organizations and coalitions, such as Americans for the Arts, the Cultural Advocacy Group, and other groups dedicated to government support of the arts.

For more information about TCG's advocacy activities, please contact Laurie Baskin, director of research, policy & collective action.

Advocacy News from Laurie Baskin's Blog

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