Still Alice
By Adapted and Directed by Ensemble Member Christine Mary Dunford
Based on the novel by Lisa Genova
Directed by Christine Mary Dunford
Originally produced at Lookingglass Theatre Company, Chicago, IL.
April 10, 2013 through May 19, 2013
About the Premiere Production
Professor Alice Howland is at the peak of her career studying the human brain when her own mind begins to falter. Fiercely independent, she battles to preserve her way of life, even as confusion clouds her thinking and her memory begins to fail. This world premiere adaptation of The New York Times bestselling novel is at the same time heartbreaking and hopeful.
Artistic Statement
What is extraordinary about Lisa Genova's book Still Alice is what is given striking, remarkable life in Lookingglass Ensemble Member Christine Mary Dunford's adaptation of it: it takes on a fact of life which has increasing relevance for so many of us, but treats it with great compassion, humor, humanity, and light. This play gives us a rare opportunity to get 'inside the head' of someone experiencing Alzheimer's disease, while also giving us insight into the experience of those family members who are first-hand witnesses and must change and adapt alongside her. This production is also a reunion of sorts for us, bringing back to Lookingglass some long-time friends, Christopher Donahue and Mariann Mayberry, both of whom worked with us in some of our earliest productions and have since gone on to terrific stage careers in Chicago and nationally. Having these members of our extended family back to work with so many Ensemble members -- Christine Mary Dunford, John Musial, Eva Barr, David Kersnar, and Tracy Walsh -- and joined by first rate actors Cliff Chamberlain and Joanne Dubach, makes this family story ring with even more resonance.
- Andrew White, Lookingglass Theatre Company Artistic Director
Grant Statement
The Edgerton Fund’s support of an additional week of rehearsal makes possible what is essential in the development of any new work: the ability to experiment and take risks! The standard rehearsal process is too short to typically allow for that, as the first order of business has to be get it in shape for the first audiences in a hurry. This extra week of rehearsal gives the playwright time to deeply listen as the actors bring it to life aloud, and respond by making changes that will make the rest of the rehearsal process function much more successfully. It is an absolutely invaluable asset to have at our disposal when creating new plays, and we are deeply grateful for everything that support makes possible.
- Andrew White, Lookingglass Theatre Company Artistic Director
Director: Christine Mary Dunford
Set Design: John Musial
Lighting Design: Mike Durst
Costume Design: Alison Siple
Sound and Composition: Rick Sims
Projections: Mike Tutaj
Cast: Eva Barr, Cliff Chamberlain, Joanne Dubach, David Kersnar, Mariann Mayberry, Tracy Walsh
‘Still Alice’ at Lookingglass delivers powerful ‘long good-bye’
Chicago Sun-Times
April 23, 2013