Two Degrees
by Tira Palmquist
directed by Christy Montour-Larson
Originally produced at Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Denver, CO
February 3 to March 12, 2017

About the Premiere Production:
Synopsis: Emma Phelps is a paleo-climatologist, focusing on ice in Greenland, who sees firsthand what we have wrought by ignoring climate change. When she is thrust into the spotlight of a U.S. Senate hearing, she struggles to change from scientist to advocate at the same time she is finally confronting her grief over the death of her husband. As her personal and private lives collide, the structure of the play takes its cue from Emma Phelp's mind, jumping between past and present.
Artistic Statement: At the Denver Center, we strive to create adventurous plays and musicals that advance the way we tell theatrical stories an than explore the many issues facing our nation, Global warming is one of the most important problems facing the planet, but at times the issue can seem too vast or contradictory to clearly grasp. One of Emma's great strengths as a scientist is her ability to break down complex issues and explain them to a layperson. Theatre, with its inherent compression and primacy of communication, is perhaps the best form to explore this issue.
Grant Statement: This grant will allow us to increase the rehearsal period by one week. This added rehearsal time is critical in bringing a play to life on stage for the first time.
Set Designer: Rob Morgan
Lighting Designer: Charles MacLeod
Costume Designer: Angela Cain
Sound Designer: Jason Ducat
Dramaturg: Heather Helinski
Multi-Media Designer: Topher Blair