Female Troubles

Music by Curtis Moore, Lyrics by Amanda Green
Book by Jennifer Crittenden and Gabrielle Allan
Originally produced at Goodman Theatre, Chicago, IL
Dates TBD


Synopsis: Elinor Benton finds herself surprisingly and undeniably knocked up—and, since she’s unmarried and this is 19th century England, she has a very big problem. Facing devastating ruin, Elinor and her girlfriends set off on a raucous carriage trip to London seeking the services of Madame Restell, an infamous midwife who advertises cures for women with “female troubles.” Through the lens of the past, this original musical comedy comments on the present, asking the trenchant question, “Can You Believe This Sh*t’s Still Happening in 1810?”

Artistic Statement: “A team of brilliant theater artists come together to create a wholly original comedic work about female reproductive rights? In the midst of the rollback of Roe v. Wade?  How could anyone say no to this?  With wit, buoyancy, and just the right amount of irreverence, Female Troubles goes full tilt into the very heart of our current American moment via the Regency era.” –Susan V. Booth, Artistic Director, Goodman Theatre