In 2020, TCG completed a new strategic planning process, and within that we committed to centering the needs and experiences of BIPOC (Black, Indigenous People of Color) and BITOC (Black, Indigenous, Theatres of Color) throughout our programming, and we continue to have organizational and fieldwide discussions about what that could truly look like. We recognize that we still have work to do in defining what this process means for TCG and our role in the field as we enter a new era for theatre.
With that ongoing work in mind, it was our hope that the 2022 National Conference and its hybrid offerings would have some if not all of the following outcomes:
- Participants are able to process some of their personal and professional grief together, leading to healing for some, and others come away with new ideas and tools for activating models of collective care at their organizations or in their communities.
- BIPOC, TGNC, disabled, and young theatre practitioners see more opportunities for leadership and collaboration open to them, including but not limited to invitations to join more theatre boards and staffs, and paid advisory and consultative roles to develop more equitable partnership and accountability frameworks across the field.
- Incremental yet transformative shifts in power structures and organizational practices – from leadership models, to artist support, to sustainability and divestment, to audience development, to issue advocacy and more – begin to emerge in theatres across the country, and those shifts begin to create safer, human-centered working conditions for our freelance artists.
- The Pittsburgh theatre community builds off their shared work on the TCG Conference into a longer term, inclusive process of peer support and collaboration, and some Pittsburgh artists are invited to bring their work into other regional theatre communities.