Please note: programming idea submissions for the 2022 TCG National Conference are now closed. Feel free to reach out to with any questions. Thanks to all who submitted!
The agenda for the 2022 National Conference will be made available in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the following descriptions are meant to illustrate all content formats for TCG’s first hybrid National Conference, and note this year’s distinctions between content that will be available online and in-person only:
- Breakout sessions are generally 75-90 minutes long and can take a variety of formats, from panels to roundtables to lectures; often model-sharing is a key component of these sessions. [available virtually and in-person]
- Skills-building workshops are longer than breakout-sessions (2.5+ hours, with breaks) and are led by educators and/or thought leaders, creating a deep knowledge dive into one area of professional development for theatre practitioners. [in-person only]
- Affinity spaces are for people who self-identify as part of a particular group to discuss their collective experiences, usually between 75-90 minutes, except for our Intergenerational Leaders of Color and Anti-Racist Resources for White People sessions which are usually longer form. More on Affinity spaces below.* [available virtually and in-person]
- TCG Labs are also long-form spaces (2.5+ hours, with breaks) designed for collective mobilization and movement building around a particular field challenge or set of issues; these sessions don't seek to provide answers, but rather provide dedicated time for problem-solving, strategizing, and/or action-planning. [in-person only]
- *NEW* Asynchronous/Pre-recorded presentations are possible this year with our hybrid format. The advantage to these sessions is in their flexibility of timing -- we’ll make this content available to attendees in the days leading up to the Conference, and attendees can then ask questions and engage with the material on the Conference platform. Videos, narrated slides, podcasts, and any other prerecorded format are all acceptable submissions. [virtual only]
- Performance pieces have been featured as part of the core Conference programming as well as after-hour programming to showcase locally-derived or in-process pieces in workshop form. [available virtually and in-person]
- Plenary sessions are typically 60-90 minute all-attendee sessions featuring exciting artists, speakers, and performers from a variety of professional backgrounds on broad, inspirational and/or timely topics. This year we hope to include plenary speakers from remote locations even on the hybrid days of the Conference. [available virtually and in-person]
We are no longer accepting submissions for content ideas, and will begin announcing sessions in February, releasing content on a rolling basis as it is finalized.
*More on Affinity Spaces
Because members of oppressed groups are often asked to educate and protect the comfort of those with privilege, affinity groups are necessary in equity-based work to provide space for the conversations that cannot occur in the presence of those power dynamics. TCG typically creates space for both affinity and ally-inclusive sessions based on how attendees self-identify in five areas of identity: gender, disability, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, and age.
Any affinity spaces based on job title or other affiliations (sometimes known as Professional Affinity Groups) will be curated separately from the above programming.