About the Conference

TCG 2019: About the Conference


  • Engage meaningfully with the host city and its art-making community.
  • Build accessible and equitable access to the Conference, especially for underrepresented communities.
  • Emphasize a process, both leading up to and during the Conference, that makes space for self-care, reflection, and joy for Conference attendees and TCG staff alike.
  • Uplift the voices and challenges of the most marginalized in our theatre community, and encourage further learning around equity, diversity, and inclusion, particularly for those with significant privilege and access.
  • Curate the most relevant professional development programming for our field through a lens of equity.
  • Facilitate personal and professional connections, resource-sharing, and collaboration among attendees, presenters, and TCG.
  • Introduce the theatre field to ideas, innovations, and models from beyond our industry.
  • Advance TCG’s strategic goals and values.